Parking Lot Maintenance

Not sure what your parking lot needs? Did you receive a code violation from a municipality? Adel Construction can help.

We handle all types of parking area maintenance such as replacing broken car stops and car bumpers, fixing pot holes, straightening signs, re-striping faded parking stall lines and overall parking lot maintenance.

Asphalt Patching & Repair:
Don't leave those pot holes unattended. Fixing potholes is an inexpensive way to improve the appearance of your parking lot and reduce owner liability.

It is good practice to seal coat your parking lot every 2-3 years. This saves money in the long run and keeps your parking lot looking attractive and well maintained.

Striping & Signage
Count on Adel for professional results when it comes to asphalt striping and signage.

We also install speed bumps, concrete sidwalks and curbs.